Parent Teacher Association
Parent Teacher Association
The Nelson College PTA is a an enthusiastic group that meets regularly to foster a close relationship between school and home.
The objective of the PTA is to secure the support of parents as a body for everything that will beneficially influence the welfare and progress of the students and the College.
All parents and College staff are eligible to become members. If you would like to join please attend one of our meetings or contact the Chairperson. Other persons interested in the College may become members at the discretion of the committee.
- Chairperson – Julie Clarke
- Secretary – Alta Huyser
- Treasurer – Euan McIntosh
- Uniform Shop Representative – Paula Smith
- Staff Representative –
- College Leadership Representative – Leonor White
- Board of Trustee Representative – Deleece Plumpton
- Old Boys Representative:
- Trust Foundation Representatives – Euan McIntosh and Janine Pomeroy
- General Committee Members: Di Lowe, Ali Frew, Gilllian Dancey
Meetings and Events
PTA meetings are held twice a term in the college staffroom (on Mondays in week 2 and week 8) starting at 6.30pm. Week 2 is a standard administrative meeting and week 8 an information evening designed to both entertain and inform parents and the wider school community on topics that are relevant and current. Check the school calendar and “follow” the PTA Facebook Page for dates of upcoming meetings.
All parents are encouraged to come along, meet other parents and learn about what’s going on at the school. There are several social functions during the year including the annual PTA Quiz night fundraiser. A lot of fun is had by all!
Meetings will continue to be held in the college staffroom at 6:00 pm on Mondays in weeks 2 and 8 of the school term – with the exception of the next meeting, for which I have listed specific times below.
Support From the PTA
Any monies or profits from fund-raising activities is distributed to:
- Students – this includes teams and/or individuals who represent the College in a wide range of activities both nationally and internationally.
- College – this money provides extra classroom equipment to enhance learning, sports equipment and other items that improve the school surroundings for students and staff.
- Spirit of New Zealand scholarships – every year the PTA offers scholarships for a fully-funding 10-Day Sailing Adventure Program. This is for two senior students. Details for 2021 will be posted soon.
Applications for financial assistance from the PTA need to be made to the College Leadership Team.

Julie Clarke