Health, Outdoor and Physical Education
‘Unlocking well-being’ is a central focus for our students in learning about how an active mind and body are central to living a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.  Physical Education and Health are taught in both the Year 9 and Y 10 junior curriculum where students explore many activities that enhances their Hauora or well-being. Core fundamental life skills are taught in the Year 9 program through running, jumping, throwing, catching and swimming during fun and interactive games. At Year 10 leadership and social responsibility is practiced through many team sports which promote group participation and cooperative fun games.  Health forms an integral part of both junior year levels where we look at all areas of well-being including social , mental and emotional, and spiritual wellness in our students.
 In our Senior classes our faculty offers specific courses in Physical Education, Health and Outdoor Education at all year levels. In Physical Education biomechanics , anatomy, video analysis and leadership amongst other topical areas is explored. In Outdoor Education students develop important skills in mountain biking, climbing, tramping and kayaking and learning about respecting and being safe in the environment. Health incorporates interpersonal skills and health issues in the community amongst many other important societal factors.

Jamie Brown
Faculty Leader
Our Health Education junior curriculum aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and develop attitudes that will enhance the well-being of themselves, others and wider society.
Years 11, 12 and 13 students study a range of NZ and International Health issues, issues around sexuality, drug related situations, analysing a range of different health practises and taking practical actions to enhance wellbeing.Â
Junior Courses
Year 9-10 Health Education – compulsory one period a week
Senior Courses
Level 1 Health – optional
Level 2 Health – optional
Level 3 Health – optional

Outdoor Education
Senior Outdoor Education is a three year programme starting in year 11. Students go from developing personal skills in a range of outdoor pursuits to developing into independent outdoor adventures with assistant leadership skills. The pursuits developed include bush craft (survival, weather, navigation, camping and tramping), alpine travel, white water kayaking, rock climbing and mountain biking. As well as developing hard skills a range of transferable soft skills are developed including communication, trust, self-confidence, resilience and risk management. We have a weekly adventure during class time and most terms involve either day or overnight expeditions where all the skills developed are put into practice.
Senior Courses
Level 1 Outdoor Education – optional
Level 2 Outdoor Education – optional
Level 3 Outdoor Education – optional
Physical Education
Our Physical Education junior curriculum aims to provide learning experiences in a wide range of interactive and physical activities with a strong emphasis on cooperation, fair play and skills development.
The senior courses consist of theoretical topics and practical elements including participation in athletics, volleyball, touch football, badminton, golf and basketball.
Junior Courses
Years 9-10 Physical Education – compulsory
Senior Courses
Level 1 Physical Education – optional
Level 2 Physical Education – optional
Level 3 Physical Education – optional

Students who take these courses are expected to be our top sportsmen in their sports code. They would already have been indentified as representative players and would have the potential to become NC Senior A team sportsmen.
Junior Courses
Year 10 Athlete Development Program – Basketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Mountain Biking and Volleyball – half year programmes optional
Year 10 Rugby Athlete Development Program – half year or full year optional
Senior Courses
Level 2 Sports Extension Programme Rugby – optional
Level 3 Sports Extension Programme Rugby – optional