Special Academic Opportunities
Nelson College offers a range of efforts designed to support the special needs of students with abnormally advanced aptitudes. Many elements of this support also provide enrichment opportunities for highly motivated students. Students with abnormally advanced aptitudes can have exceptional ability in a range of areas: in the arts/music/theatre; in sports and physical abilities; in the cultural sphere; in crafts and trades; in leadership; and other areas of human endeavor; and the school’s GaTMo (Gifted and Talented, Highly Motivated) programme supports advanced and motivated students in all these areas.
A specific area of Nelson College’s GaTMo support is aimed at abnormally advanced academic students. This page is a resource for parents and students to better understand how the GaTMo programme works for those students; and it provides information about upcoming academic activities and opportunities directed at those students.
Expanding your son’s world, opening his mind, challenging his thinking and building his social network of other students who value ideas and the life of the mind is what we try to do in Nelson College’s GaTMo programme. Highly motivated and high aptitude students want new horizons and appreciate novel experiences. Throughout the year there will be opportunities, events, competitions and experiences designed to do just that.
Student Academic Committee
Committee Description
The Student Academic Committee is composed of students from all facets of school life: International students, Boarding students, Day students, Maori/Pasifika students, and Refugee students, and is composed of students from all year groups. The purpose of the committee is to promote academic life and achievement at the school and to provide a student voice and role model for academics at the school.
Peer Tutoring
The Peer Tutoring programme run by the Student Academic Committee gets underway late in Term 1 and runs through early Term 4 each year. Its purpose is to have student-to-student support on academic issues or problems. Students may sign up to be either a tutor (to help other students with academics) or a tutee (to ask for help with academics) for either short term or long-term duration by seeing a member of the Academic Committee.
Other Programmes & Activities
- Year 9 Academic Quiz – Term 1
- Brain Games – Throughout the year