
Sailing at Nelson College

Team sailing is an exciting and sociable sailing format in which a team of sailors work together to try to establish an overall winning combination for their team over their opposition. Team races are fast and furious and reward good starting, boat speed, boat handling, rules knowledge and teamwork skills.

Our Nelson College sailing squad in open to all boys from Years 9-13 who have achieved a minimum of Level 1 in sailing. The squad trains and competes on a weekly basis against other Nelson/Richmond colleges throughout Terms 1 and 4 as part of Nelson Bays Team Sailing. Our A team also competes at the Secondary School Teams Racing Regional and National regattas.

Term 4 is the squad development term, where the coach varies the combinations of helms and crew, at the end of which the regatta teams are chosen. In Term 1 the A team represents Nelson College at both regional and national regattas whilst the remaining sailors are often incorporated into combined college teams to compete at Regionals.

Important Dates: 


  • During the Spring (for Term 4) and Summer (for Term 1) school holidays through the Nelson Yacht Club website
  • Boys interested in sailing and looking for more information should contact the Sports Office who will put them in touch with the Team Manager

Cost: (approximate) 

  • Costs include coaching and use of boats
  • Term 4: $250
  • Term 1: $320 up to and including the Regional regatta
  • A team coaching for the National regatta: $260
  • Additional costs for Secondary Schools Team Racing events and holiday training courses

Training: (at Nelson Yacht Club): 

  • Training is held one night a week after school through Terms 4 and 1.
  • Training runs from straight after school until approximately 6.30pm.

Racing: (at Nelson Yacht Club) 

  • Sundays throughout Terms 4 and 1 divided into morning and afternoon sessions.


No uniform necessary. College sailing bibs are supplied for regattas.    


Alethea Stove