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Find out more about our day-to-day operations at Nelson College Preparatory School

Frequently Asked Questions

Our multi-faceted literacy programme uses class time, one-on-one tuition and computer-based learning to promote growth and confidence for all boys, from those in need to advanced readers.

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We encourage Prep students to participate in musical performance and a number of opportunities are offered at the school.

Boys can join the Prep brass band and the Prep choir. No previous experience is needed and instruction is given by experienced music teachers. Boys with previous musical experience also have the opportunity to join the College Junior Brass Band and the College Choir (by audition).

Boys can also participate in “Prep Rock Band” as an optional activity.

Music tuition is available for a large range of instruments during school time from visiting music teachers. The tutors set their own fees.

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The ENCOUNTER programme supports the development of boys through outdoor experiential education.  It’s an integral part of the Nelson College Preparatory School curriculum.

The programme stimulates learning outside the college grounds and takes account of differing learning styles, with an emphasis on real life experiences and hands-on learning.

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Our unique learning environment supports students at all academic levels and offers challenging enrichment programmes such as differentiated curriculum and streaming.

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The STEAM programme is designed to help unlock every boys’ potential.

STEAM classes create a hands-on learning environment where students can develop their technological and program-solving skills.

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