Principal/Tumuaki Newsletter Term 3, Week 5

Dear Parents, Whānau, and Students,

It’s another very busy week at Nelson College, with some excellent mahi being done by our ākonga. The Ball on Saturday night, held in partnership with Nelson College for Girls, was a very well-attended event. It was fantastic to see our young men conduct themselves in such a mature way.

I was equally impressed with our 1st XV’s Miles Toyota Grand Final win over Christchurch Boys’ High School, which now sees them play Southland Boys’ High School for the South Island title and the Moascar Cup—the Ranfurly Shield of New Zealand schoolboy rugby—and a chance to go to the national Top Four competition. The boys made the college extremely proud, not just with their hard work and exceptional season, but also with the way they conducted themselves both on and off the field after the game. Their determination, sportsmanship, and humility were evident throughout the game, embodying the true spirit of our college values.

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Ngā mihi nui Ngā mihi nui,
Richard Washington

Manaaki/Care, Pono/Integrity, Kairangi/Success