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DUX - Luke Garside

DUX – Luke Garside

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2020 Head Boy Liam Brennan


Matthew Mayer, Tipene Gunn-Bold, Ben Faingaanuku, Yoochan Shin

Rathbone Memorial Trophy – Senior Athletic Champion                Josh Sheridan

Baden Turley Cup for Influence in Basketball                                      Luke Meehan
McDonald Cup Best Nelson College Cadet in the Nelson Cadet Unit                  Luke Walker
Smart Trophy – School Chess Champion                                             Ronan Thompson
McLaren Cup – Best Cricketer in the School                                       Finn Restieaux
Cross Country
Cooper Cup – Senior Cross Country Champion                                      Josh Sheridan
Andrew Jones Memorial Cup for Influence in Cycling                              Keegan Hornblow
Nelson Repertory Cup for Influence in Drama                                     Frazer Cowan
Brydon Bros Cup for Influence in Football                                       Aled Howell
Nelson College Senior Player of the Year                                        Thomas Corbin
Mountain Biking
Senior Champion                                                                 Todd Ballance
William C Frost Trophy for Contribution to Music                                Sidney Barron
R P O’Gorman Cup for 1st XV Player of the Year                                         Anton Segner
Marty Grant Cup – Contribution to Softball                                               Nicholas Lowe
Eastern Extension Telegraph Co Cup – Senior Champion                              Josh Sheridan
Muir Cup – Senior Singles Champion                                                   Sam Innes-Walker
Underwater Hockey
Warwick King Trophy for Top Player                                                         Harry Timms

Fergusson Cup for Top Senior Player                                                    Zach Langbridge

Russell Cup – Winner House Choir Competition                                                    Monro
John Galloway Memorial Cup – Winner Inter-House Athletics                                Domett
McLean Memorial Cup – Winner Senior Inter-House
Cross Country Competition                                                                          Robinson
Evans Cup – Winner of Senior House Debating Competition                                 Robinson
The Prefects Cup – For Senior House Rugby                                                     Boarding
Newmans Inter-House Senior Soccer Trophy                                                    Robinson
Inter-House Swimming Shield                                                                           Monro
Tim Kirby Cup                                                                                          Robinson
Anderson Family Cup for House Volleyball                                                        Chaytor

Neill Cup for Most Points in all Inter-house Competitions                   Domett and Robinson
Wood Cup for Best All-round Athlete U16 ½                                             Patrick Wilson
Morrison Cup for Best All-round Athlete in the School                                 Josh Sheridan

NZ Swimming Team                                                                            Joshua Amyes
Underwater Hockey                                                                         Archie Anderson
U16 Double Sculls                                                                                  Matt Baker
NZSS MTB U20 Enduro 1st, Overall 1st                                                    Todd Ballance
International Bagpipe Competition                                                          Johan Banks
Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra Composition                                         Sidney Barron
Represent NZ at the International FPS Competition 2019                              Adam Barton
NZ U16 Brazilian Ju Jitsu Champion                                                          Caleb Brash
Represent NZ at the International FPS Competition 2019                          Samuel Brookes
NZ Barbarian Rugby Team                                                                       Taya Brown
Underwater Hockey                                                                         Tom Carrington
NZ U16 Football Team                                                                            Billy Check
NZ Youth Men’s Volleyball Development Team (U17)                           Matthew Christian
Young Enterprise Scheme Entrepreneurs                                                James Clifford
NZ U19 Volleyball Team                                                                     Harry Coltman
NZ U19 Football Team                                                                         Josh Creswell
International Bagpipe Competition                                                         Brodie Devon
Sailing NZ Interdoms                                                                             Tim Douglas
NZ U20 Ultimate Frisbee Team                                                             Harry Edwards
NZ Junior Sailing Interdoms Team                                                          Jack Franklin
Sailing NZ Interdoms                                                                           Peter Gamble
NZ Junior Baseball Team                                                                      Cooper Grant
U16 Double Sculls                                                                             Flynn Hennessy
NZ UCI Junior Track Cycling Team                                                     Keegan Hornblow
NZ Cadets Skills Champion                                                                     Sajal Kumar
NZ U19 Volleyball Team                                                                   Zach Langbridge
NZ U19 Track Cycling Team                                                                        Kaio Lart
NZ record in F200m                                                                                  Kaio Lart
National title/Gold in individual sprint                                                         Kaio Lart
National title/Gold in 500m TT                                                                   Kaio Lart
NZ Under 21 Croquet                                                                          Michael Lauer
NZ Junior Baseball Team                                                                    Reegan Lawton
Underwater Hockey                                                                                 Joe Leach
U16 Coxed Quad Sculls                                                                           Sam Lenton
U16 Double Sculls                                                                                 Sam Lenton
NZ U15 Softball Team                                                                              Matt Lowe
NZ Quarter Horse Team                                                                     Reece Mahuika
NZ Junior Optimist Sailing Team                                                             Noah Malpot
NZ U17 Volleyball Team                                                                            Nat Mann
National Youth Band                                                                       Josh Mansbridge
National Secondary Schools Brass Band                                               Josh Mansbridge
National B Grade Brass Band Champions                                              Josh Mansbridge
Underwater Hockey                                                                                 Kees Mant
Underwater Hockey                                                                            Conor McKean
NZ Junior Mens Development Team (U19)                                                 Joshua Mead
NZ Youth Windfoil Champion                                                                  Burty Meffan
NZ U16 Football Team                                                                           Luca Molnar
NZ Junior Baseball Team                                                                       Ewan Mullett
Underwater Hockey                                                                      Jaimen Muncaster
U16 Double Sculls                                                                                 Tom Murray
Underwater Hockey                                                                                  Ben Odey
NZSS MTB U15 Enduro 1st, Overall 1st                                                    Hamish Powell
Sailing NZ Interdoms                                                                           Hamish Praat
NZ Cadets Skills Champion                                                                  Lochie Quigley
NZ Cadets NZ Team                                                                           Lochie Quigley
National B Grade Brass Band Champions                                                 Charle Rainey
U16 Coxed Quad Sculls                                                                         Ollie Ransom
U16 Double Sculls                                                                               Ollie Ransom
Underwater Hockey                                                                              Oliver Reilly
NZ U19 Cricket Team                                                                         Finn Restieaux
12th Man NZ Black Caps team to play England                                        Finn Restieaux
Represent NZ at the International FPS Competition 2019                          Fergus Richards
NZ Cadets Skills Champion                                                                      Jack Savage
NZ Business Challenge                                                                     Logan Schokking
Sailing NZ Interdoms                                                                       Logan Schokking
NZSS Rugby Team                                                                               Anton Segner
Underwater Hockey                                                                        James Stevenson
Represent NZ at the International FPS Competition 2019                              Oliver Taylor
Sailing NZ Interdoms                                                                         Tilo Thevenard
Underwater Hockey                                                                   Tristan Vadura-Lane
NZ Cadets Skills Champion                                                                     Luke Walker
NZ Cadets NZ Team                                                                              Luke Walker
NZ U19 Mixed Touch Team                                                                 Connor Wilkins
NZ U16 Mixed Touch Team                                                               Justin Yokoyama


Year 11
Accounting Prize                                                                                    Billy Goble
Art – Design Prize                                                                               Michael Lauer
Art – Photography Prize                                                                       Bawi Tlumang
Art – Wastney Prize                                                                              Flynn Mercer
BConstructive Fine Wood Prize                                                             Mattie Hunter
Classics Prize                                                                                    Oxford Bayley
Computer Studies Prize                                                                     Jacob Wiegand
Design Technology Prize                                                                     Caleb Andrews
Digital Visual Communications Prize – The DANZ Cup                                      Ben Willis
Drama Prize                                                                                            Kaio Lart
Economics Prize                                                                                Bawi Tlumang
English – Simmons Prize                                                                        Jacob Liddle
English as a Second Language Prize                                                                Hta Reh
Food Technology Prize                                                                     Sam Portsmouth
Geography Prize                                                                                Henri Hufflett
Health Education Prize                                                                         Jamie Wallis
History – NZ Society of Genealogists Trophy – Research skills                        Jack MacNeil
History Prize                                                                                        Rico Fraser
International Department Prize – Attitude and Effort                                Shuhei Takata
Japanese Prize                                                                                     Tim McIlroy
Mathematics Prize                                                                            Jacob Wiegand
Mechanical Engineering Prize                                                       Miguel Nunez Angulo
Media Studies Prize                                                                            Christian King
Music Prize                                                                                         Henry Huynh
Outdoor Education Prize                                                                        Tim Douglas
Physical Education Prize                                                                       Jacob Liddle
Science Cambridge                                                                                Tim McIlroy
Science Prize                                                                                      Henry Huynh
Te Reo Māori Prize                                                                               Renata King

Special Prizes
Murray Fantham Memorial Award (Best All-rounder)                                      Jack Morris
Network Tasman Award (Science, Electronics, Business)                                  Billy Goble
Newcombe Scholarship (For General Excellence)                                          Tim McIlroy

Year 12
Accounting Prize                                                                                   Max Stanley
Art – Design Prize                                                                                    Jesse Wall
Art – Painting Prize                                                                           Ogun Matranga
Art – Photography Prize                                                                           Liam Philp
Automotive Engineering Practical Prize                                                   Devon Murray
Automotive Engineering Theory Prize                                                           Nat Mann
BConstructive Fine Wood Prize                                                             James Walker
Biology – Saywell Prize                                                                    Ronan Thompson
Business Studies Prize                                                                            Jack Cronin
Chemistry Prize – AICA NZ Prize                                                        Ronan Thompson
Classics Prize                                                                              Victor de Maupeou
Career Passport Prize                                                                         Elifano Bentin
Computer Studies Prize                                                                          Finnian Hall
Computer Studies Composite                                                      Plub Lortharaprasert
Design Technology Prize                                                                    Tilo Thevenard
Design Visual Communications Prize                                                Haruka Yamamoto
Drama Prize                                                                                      Liam Brennan
Earth And Space Science Prize                                                                 Jamie Aran
Economics Prize                                                                                     An Nguyen
English – Douglass Andrews Creative Writing Prize                                     J-L Louverdis
English – Sir Arthur Fair Prize                                                            Ronan Thompson
English as a Second Language Prize                                               Oscar Munoz Estrada
Food Technology Prize                                                                          Luke Walker
Gibbons Award for Trade Building                                                           Toby Walker
Gibbons Prize for Trade Building                                                       Bailey Donaldson
Health Education Prize                                                                           Mika Hervel
History – Research Prize                                                                     Harrison Kroos
History Prize                                                                                 Ronan Thompson
Industrial Engineering Prize                                                                Tilo Thevenard
International Department Prize – Attitude and Effort                                 Punn Cowarin
Japanese Prize                                                                                Brock Matthews
Maori Performing Arts Prize                                                                   Brodie Devon
Mathematics Prize                                                                         Ronan Thompson
Media Studies Prize                                                                         Zach Cornelisen
Music Prize                                                                                 Victor de Maupeou
Outdoor Education – Richard Brewster Memorial Prize                                 Luke Walker
Physical Education Prize                                                                      Josh Sheridan
Physics – Rutherford Prize                                                                   Maxwell Busby
Te Reo Māori Prize                                                                             Logan Speight
Trade Building – IMB Construction Prize                                                 Hunter Griffith
Trade Building Short Course Prize                                                          James Walker
Tourism                                                                                              Sajal Kumar

Special Prizes
Blick Cup – Best All-rounder                                                                  Maxwell Busby
Network Tasman Award – Science, Electronics, Business                         Ronan Thompson
Richmond Scholarship  – General Excellence                                         Ronan Thompson

Year 13
Automotive Engineering                                                                Callum Humphries
Accounting Prize                                                                                 Joshua Mead
Art Design Prize                                                                                 Tarn Richards
Art – Photography Prize – Matthews Cup                                                Aiden Timoney
Art Painting Prize                                                                              Sidney Barron
Biology – McKee Trust Prize                                                                  Hamish Smith
Business Studies Prize                                                                             Josh Greer
Career Passport Prize                                                                         Ashish Niraula
Chemistry – McKee Trust Prize                                                             Jackson Loftus
Classics Prize                                                                                Bawi Min Famcun
Computer Digital Technology Prize                                                         Luke Garside
Design Visual Communications Prize                                                   Callum Campbell
Drama Prize                                                                                      Frazer Cowan
Earth And Space Science Prize                                                             Jackson Loftus
Economics Prize                                                                               Matthew Mayer
Engineering – Major Elliot Prize                                                     Cameron Thompson
English – G O Cooper Prize                                                                     Luc Wiegand
English – Governor General’s Prize                                                         Sidney Barron
English as a Second Language Prize                                                            Gyung Koo
Gateway Prize                                                                                     Riley Perkin
Gateway Prize                                                                                 Nils Thevenard
Health Education Prize                                                                       Damian Aitken
History Prize                                                                                       Logan Smith
History – Stafford Scholarship                                                             Matthew Mayer
International Department Prize – Sevikul Cup                                            Yoochan Shin
Maori Performing Arts Prize                                                            Tipene Gunn-Bold
Mathematics – Calculus – Littlejohn Prize                                                 Luke Garside
Mathematics – Statistics and Modelling Prize                                              Logan Smith
Media Studies Prize                                                                         Chakkrit Klahan
Music Prize                                                                                          Luke Wilkes
Outdoor Education Prize                                                             Harrison Trowbridge
Physical Education Prize                                                                  Zach Langbridge
Physics Prize                                                                                      Luke Garside
Physics – Rutherford Prize                                                                    Sidney Barron
Te Reo Māori Prize                                                                             Samuel Ancell
Trade Building – IMB Construction Prize                                                    Daniel Dixon


LEADERSHIP (For Character, Influence and Scholarship)
Sisley Davidson Memorial Scholarship – Community Service Award           Reuben Prestidge
J E Hounsell Scholarship – Character, Influence and Scholarship                      Tayne Birss
William Edmund Atkinson Scholarship
– Character, Influence and Scholarship                                                 Charlie Danson
Richmond Office Products Depot Prize – All round contribution               Ben Faingaanuku
Firth Scholarship – Sport, Influence and Scholarship                               Zach Langbridge
Management Team Prize Character, Influence & Scholarship in Year 13        Fergus Hughes
Robert McKegney Cup and Prize – Outstanding achievement
and contribution to Mentoring                                                       Cameron Thompson
Oldridge Scholarship – Leadership and Mentoring Programme                 Tipene Gunn-Bold
PTA Prize – Contribution to Leadership and Mentoring Programmes             Nils Thevenard
PTA Prize – Contribution to Leadership and Mentoring Programmes               Yoochan Shin
Robert Pomeroy Scholarship – Contribution to College life and
developing skills, attitudes and empathy                                           Bawi Cung Hlichal
Frank Alack  Award – Benefit to Mankind and the Environment                    Hamish Smith
Environment Leadership Award                                                             Hamish Smith
Management Team and Medallion Award – Awarded to Head Boy                Matthew Mayer

Gibbons Scholarship for Excellence in Building Year 13                               Jamie Hunter
Gibbons Scholarship for Excellence in Building Year 12                             Jacob Zillwood
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology Scholarship
– General Academic Excellence                                                           Thomas Corbin
Network Tasman Award – Science, Electronics, Business                              Luke Garside
Nelson Science Scholarship
– awarded to Student studying a BSc at Canterbury University                     Samuel Jones
Nelson Science Scholarship
– awarded to Student studying a BSc at Canterbury University                     Jackson Babe
Mike Pero Entrepreneur of the Year                                                   Logan Schokking
Trask Award for Public Speaking                                                          Matthew Mayer
Fox River Scholarship – General Diligence and Application                          Todd Ballance
Thompson Scholarship – Student Studying Medicine Who has
made a Valuable Contribution to Nelson College                                     Charlie Danson
Moore Family Scholarship – Contribution to College life                                  Ben Baker
John Sharp Memorial Scholarship – All round Academic
and Sporting talent and interest                                                             Joshua Mead
Paul Milligan Memorial Award – Contribution to Information Technology      Corban Radford
Scobie & Elizabeth McKenzie Scholarship
– Leadership, character, scholarship                                                    Jackson Loftus
George T Palmer Memorial Scholarship – All-round Academic
Talent & Interest in Languages                                                    Philippe de Maupeou
George Rutherford Scholarship                                                               Burty Meffan
David C Driver Scholarship – Excellence in the Arts (Art)                                Max Cattell
David C Driver Scholarship – Excellence in Arts (Music)                               Sidney Barron
Fox River Scholarship for Accounting                                                     James Clifford
Fox River Scholarship for Computer Studies                                              Luke Garside
Prime Ministers Vocational Excellence Award                                            Devon Murray
Andrew Jones Scholarship                                                                 Logan Schokking
Andrew Jones Scholarship                                                                 Josh Mansbridge
Andrew Jones Scholarship                                                                 Kaio Lart
Hewitson Scholarship – All Round Ability                                                 Tarn Richards
Houlker Scholarship
– Awarded for general academic excellence and scholarship                      Sidney Barron
Atmore Memorial Scholarship – General Academic Excellence                       Luke Garside
Westpac Bank Scholarship – General Academic Excellence                           Luc Wiegand
J G McKay – Leadership Character and Scholarship                                     Laim Brennan
DUX – Colin Neale Memorial Trophy and Medallion                                      Luke Garside


University Scholarships

Nelson College acknowledges the outstanding achievement of students who have been offered the following Scholarships from New Zealand Universities.

Otago University Leaders of Tomorrow                                                     Burty Meffan
Otago University Leaders of Tomorrow                                             Jack McDonald-Hill
Otago University Alumni Scholarship                                                     Isaiah Malaulau
Otago University Performance Entrance Scholarship                                 Connor Wilkins
Otago University Performance Entrance Scholarship                                 Zac Langbridge
Otago University New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship                                   Logan Smith
University of Canterbury Emerging Leader                                               Hamish Smith
Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship for Excellence                                       Louisluc Mcalister
Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship for Excellence                                              Luc Weigand
Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship for Excellence                                           Matthew Mayer
Victoria Totoweka Scholarship for Excellence                                                 Ram Peng

Nelson College acknowledges their Prizegiving sponsors

YHA New Zealand, Nelson College PTA, Nelson College Old Boys Assn, Network Tasman, Bromells Coachlines, Can Plan, Citi Heat Cool Ltd, CSG Technology Nelson, Gibbons Holdings, Moore Family Scholarship, Nelson City New World, Nelson Coachlines, Neltech Communications Ltd, Network Tasman, Office Max, Oldridge Scholarship, Paper Plus, Richmond Office Products Prize, Tim Miller Plumbing, Westpac Bank Scholarship