
Enrol at Nelson College

We look forward to working with you and your son at Nelson College.  Our school offers a world-class education to the young men of Nelson.

We offer a wide range of academic and co-curricular opportunities for your son to grow and succeed, in a supportive and caring environment where it’s safe to mature as a young man.

Procedures for Enrolment

We would like you to enrol online, using the link provided below.

If you are unable to complete your application online, please either download a pdf version or visit our School Reception, between 8am – 4pm Monday to Friday in order to collect a paper copy of the application form.

While online applications for enrolment can be partially completed and updated later, it is preferable to gather all your documents ready to attach and submit a complete application.

If you need to return to your application you must complete all the ‘required’ fields, you can submit your enrolment and tick “remember me on this computer”. When you come back to the enrolment form from the same computer at a later time you are able to choose to start a new enrolment application or update the existing application.

It is advisable to complete your application on a PC or computer rather than a smart device.

 Before you start it is advisable to have the following documents scanned as PDF’s:

  • Proof of ‘Domestic Status’, i.e. a copy of NZ Birth Certificate, Passport, NZ Citizen certificate or Australian Passport
  • If NOT a NZ or Australian citizen a copy of Student Visa/Permit AND Parent’s Work Visa

All enrolled applications will receive an acknowledgement email with post-enrolment details.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a number of buses for students to travel to school each day. You can view the bus timetable as an indication of bus times.

Full School Bus Timetable

Ministry funded bus routes (Atawhai to Hira) are free and do not require a ticket.

Public bus tickets (SBL and NBus) Bee Cards can be purchased at the NCC, Public Libraries and Nelson SBL bus depot. Bee Card FAQ: Nelson’s new electronic bus card explained – Our Nelson

Nelson Coachlines routes (Motueka, Mapua, Wakefield, Brightwater) Smartcards can be purchased from the Nelson College Finance Office and topped up via the Smartcard app.

Risk management of scooters, skateboards, bags and other items on school buses

Nelson Coachlines Code of Conduct

School Donations

Nelson College is part of the Ministry of Education Schools Donations Scheme and therefore the school does not ask parents or caregivers for a contribution towards the provision of additional support and resources for students.

Voluntary Donations

Families still have the option to make voluntary tax-deductible donations to the school. Further information is available from the Nelson College finance office.

Other Fees

Contributions towards the cost of overnight camps or optional activities beyond the standard curriculum offered should be paid for as requested. Some subjects that require such fees are Physical Education, Outdoor Education, Science, Technology, and the Year 10 Mataki Camp.

Sports and Extra-Curricular Activities

Fees for optional activities such as sport/extra-curricular activities are a direct reflection of the cost for participating in that sport or event. Payment continues to be required for these items and needs to be paid prior to participation.

There are a limited number of lockers available for purchase at a cost of $15.00 for the year from the finance office.  We would encourage your son to bring his own lock for extra security.

The use of computers is necessary for all students at Nelson College. Students are required to have access to their own device at school. It is recommended that students bring devices to school each day for use in classes and to enable a smooth transition between school and home learning.

Whilst there are a number of devices available to students, students are strongly encouraged to bring their own device (BYOD), this enables the use of devices in every class as well as at home. BYOD is embedded into our curriculum where students use devices to access their education in a range of subjects to develop knowledge and skills.

Digital fluency is one of these skills and is a key skill for the 21st century and enables students effectively use technology through productivity tools in the form of apps and programs, as well as develop higher order thinking skills in terms of critical thinking, problem solving and computational thinking (programming).

For more information on BYOD at Nelson College such as device recommendations, where to buy, finance, security and FREE Microsoft Office 365 go to Technology in the Classroom

Period 1 8.50 am 8.50 am 8.50 am 8.50 am 8.50 am
Period 2 9.45 am 9.50 am 9.45 am 9.45 am 9.50 am
10.40 am
10.40 am
10.40 am
Interval 11.05 am 10.50 am 11.05 am 11.05 am 10.50 am
Period 3 11.25 am 11.15 am 11.25 am 11.25 am 11.15 am
Period 4 12.20 pm 12.15 pm 12.20 pm 12.20 pm 12.15 pm
Lunch 1.15 pm 1.15 pm 1.15 pm 1.15 pm 1.15 pm
Period 5 2.10 pm 2.10 pm 2.10 pm 2.10 pm 2.10 pm
End of Day 3.10 pm 3.10 pm 3.10 pm 3.10 pm 3.10 pm

The Prep School organises the purchasing of all necessary school stationery and text books. Stationery accounts are added to school fees.

Enrol in Boarding and International

Enrol in boarding
Enrol in international