English and Media Studies

English & Media Studies

Studying language, literature and the media broadens horizons by connecting us with the past and understanding the present.

English is considered a critical subject and so all students at Nelson College take English until the end of Year 12. In year 13 English is an optional subject.

Reading is highly valued and emphasised at all levels. Our goal is to develop our students’ literacy to help them in every area of life.

Cath Elliott

Faculty Leader


Our courses are designed to be enjoyable and challenging for students of all skill levels and we hope to instil a life-time love of language and literature.

Junior Courses

Years 9-10 English

Senior Courses

Levels 1-3 English Literature – Level 3 optional

Levels 1-3 English Language – Level 3 optional

Levels 1-2 English Communication Literacy


“I took Design to challenge myself to show creativity through the art of combining text and pictures. I would highly recommend Design to students wanting to go down this pathway in University and also for anyone wanting to start something new and fun.”

Student Name, YEAR 12 DESIGN

Media Studies

Students explore and investigate film genres and industries by looking at how they shape our society. They learn new skills in scriptwriting, narrative development, pre-production skills and in using camera equipment and editing software to create digital content. We make music videos, short films and documentaries and enter them into the Nelson College Film Festival and the Briefs Film festival.

Our exploration of the relationship between the Media and society empowers us to become critical and creative thinkers, ready to actively engage in our rapidly changing society. 

Senior Courses

Level 1 English Multimedia 

Levels 2-3 Media Studies – optional

Year 13 Media Scholarship – optional