Absences & attendance procedures

Please complete the form below to register your sons absence.

If your son’s absence for Covid, please see isolation information from the govenment.

Full Student Absence Procedure policy can be found HERE.

Preparatory school absences please email prep@nelson.school.nz or phone 03 548 3099


If your son is absent from school, please contact the Attendance Officer, on the first day of his absence and each day thereafter, if you are not sure how long your son is to be absent.

If a student is away, unwell for more than five days, a Medical Certificate is required. However if you suspect the illness to be infectious please contact the Attendance Officer, Leadership Team or your son’s Dean to discuss the matter.

Please choose from the contacts below:

Online Absence Form on the college website or app.

Telephone Attendance Officer: 548 3099 Ext 851

Leave for non-School related Activities:

Request for leave that is non-school related, during the school year, must be addressed to your son’s year level dean at least two weeks prior to the start of leave. Please give the dates of absence from school and the purpose of the leave.

Since this absence from the school is not representing the school or an approved school curricula activity, under new Ministry attendance coding we are required to code this as an unjustified absence (please note if you use the Parent Portal to view your son’s attendance).

Please give an explanation for leave eg: dates away, purpose for leave, if you are going overseas or if travelling within New Zealand.

Year 9: Andrew Nyhoff
Year 10: Samme Hippolite
Year 11: Dan Moon
Year 12: John Glazier
Year 13: Richard Townsend

Preparatory School: prep@nelson.school.nz

Email at least two weeks prior to the start of leave. Please give the dates of absence from school and the purpose of the leave.


Punctuality is important and the school day commences at 8.45am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and at 9.05am on Thursday.

Explained: If your son is late to school and it is explained due to a Doctor/Dental appointment or similar, a note or explanation call/email must be received. He will need to sign in at the attendance office on his arrival at school.

Unexplained: If your son is just running late and arrives late to a timetabled period he needs to go straight to that class, and his teacher will deal with the lateness as appropriate.

Two unexplained lates in a week will result in your son receiving a lunchtime detention.

Absence Slips:

Students are required to stay within the school boundaries during school hours – unless explained i.e. student has an appointment.

If your son needs to leave school during the day, a note, email or phone call that explains the circumstances and is signed by the parent/caregiver is required. This is taken to the Attendance Office at the start of the day and Absence Slip given to the student as proof of permission granted. (Parents/Caregivers are sometimes called to confirm notes).

Students are not to leave school grounds without permission and a Absence Slip.

Unwell or Injured during the school day

If a student is feeling unwell he must not leave school without going to reception.  The receptionist will assess the situation. It will be decided whether the student can continue at school and be cared for as needed, or if he is too unwell to continue at school.  If he needs to go home, you will be contacted to pick your son up or to make arrangement for him to be collected.

It is very important that we know at any given time who is on site in case of an emergency. It is also for the students’ own safety, to ensure they have adequate supervision during ill health.

Under no circumstances are students to leave school without doing the above.