1 Student Details
2 Caregiver details
5 References
Nelson College Domestic BOARDING Enrolment
Student Details
Has your son been stood down, suspended or excluded from a previous school?
Address of Student
Note: if student resides between two addresses please ALSO complete secondary caregiver details on the next page.
PRIMARY CAREGIVERS (as at student's address)
Primary Caregiver
Primary Caregiver
SECONDARY CAREGIVERS (secondary residence - if applicable)
If parents are separated at whose address does the student normally reside?
Responsible of payment of accounts.A signature of consent is required if different from guardian completing application
Responsible of payment of day school accounts.A signature of consent is required if different from guardian completing application
Responsible of payment of boarding school accounts.A signature of consent is required if different from guardian completing application
Emergency Contact
Note the Emergency contacts must be different from the caregiver contacts.
Learning Support Details (if applicable)
Has your son(please mark if YES to the following questions)
Medical Details
(please mark if YES to the following questions)
Please provide contact details and permission to contact either your son’s current Principal, Boarding Housemaster or Dean for confidential reference:
How did you hear about Nelson College?
Documents to be provided
Add some text or HTML here
Enrolment Terms & Condtions

Policies relating to this enrolment are available on the college website. For further clarification of any of the policies contact the Headmaster.

View Enrolment Terms & Conditions

I/we have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Nelson College Uniform Policy and agree that my son will abide by this policy.
I/we declare that the information supplied is true and correct and agree to observe the following conditions of enrolment.
  • Our son is required to abide by all school rules and regulations
  • Consent is given to take part in education outside the classroom on-site (within school grounds) and off-site (occurring during school time or finishing before 6pm)
  • Costs associated with College activities are paid before the activity takes place unless other arrangements are made with the Finance Office.

For the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993, I hereby acknowledge and understand the terms and conditions.

This information is being collected so students and parents can be contacted as necessary and for a database relating to the future education, monitoring and reporting of the student’s progress and pastoral care. This may include information from previous schools. The information collected may be used for statistical and research purposes, while ensuring that no individual is identified.

This student’s work and/or photograph may be used in Nelson College publications, website and marketing material.

Nelson College is required to disclose personal information to government agencies, such as the Ministry of Education,Ministry of Social Development, New Zealand Qualifications Authority and other relevant institutions including the Nelson College Old Boys Association.
